Wiper Cowl & Wiper Arm Replacement

When I reacquired my original MR2 back in June 2018 I wanted to try and restore it back to its original condition.

One of the first things I noticed was the dulled wiper cowl and the very rusty wiper arms. I decided to order new items from Toyota Japan. Why!? I hear some you cry, well, the factory items stood the test of time and I wanted them to last another 20-25 years. I could’ve sanded and sprayed the wiper arms or used ‘back to black’ on the wiper cowl but I consider these solutions temporary.

New wiper arms from Toyota Japan. Genuine parts
Part numbers for the replacement wiper arms. Hook type are the only ones available now.
Nice Toyota parts box for the wiper cowl
Wiper cowl part number. This is the winter version with netting that stops leaves entering the void in the louvers. Genuine parts
The wiper cowl un-boxed ready for installation
New genuine fixings for the wiper cowl
Wiper cowl and wiper arms removed. I recommend removing the bonnet to make removal of the wiper cowl easier! Notice the 25 years worth of grime!
25 years of dirt and grime
25 years of dirt and grime
Cleaned and polished ready for the new cowl to be fitted
New wiper cowl and wiper arms fitted. Makes the car look years younger!